"No hay manera de escapar a la filosofía […] Quien rechaza la filosofía profesa también una filosofía pero sin ser consciente de ella." Karl Jaspers, filósofo y psiquiatra. "There is no escape from philosophy. Anyone who rejects philosophy is himself unconsciously practising a philosophy." [Karl Jaspers, Way to Wisdom 12 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1951)]

What does have in common Merleau-Ponty and Wittgenstein II? Link to a chapter extracted from the book by Carman and Hansen

We commit what psychologists call the “experience error”, which means that what we know to be in things themselves we immediately take to be in our consciousness of them.  We make perception out of things perceived.  And since perceived things themselves are obviously accessible only through perception, we end by understanding neither.  

M. Merleau-Ponty:  Phenomenology of Perception. 

To begin by teaching someone “That looks red” makes no sense. For that is what he must say spontaneously once he has learned what “red” means... Why doesn’t one teach a child the language-game “It looks red tome” from the outset? Because it is not yet able to understand the more refined distinction between seeming and being? 
 L. Witggenstein: Zettel.